A True Story of Resiliency for Children, Co-created by Children. Discover what The Shaggy Donkey has to say about Resiliency to children facing adversity, based on his true story, and his unique gift he has to share with them. Co-created by a mother, father and their two daughters, The Shaggy Donkey has something for everyone!!
Parents are searching for resources, and Raising Resilient Children is a positive way of parenting through reflection and encouragement. Co-created by a mother and daughter, Amber Peay and Anniston Hollar.
The Shaggy Donkey author, Amber Peay; illustrator, Anniston Hollar; and budding reader, Dakota Grace Peay start Story Time with smiles! Through fun and engaging poems, coloring pages and The Shaggy Donkey book reading, this mother and her daughters talk with children about resiliency. Book Now!